No friendship is forever

Once upon a time we tried
To make our friendship last
Different lives, different crews
But the nights were for our talks

Flirting as friends had never hurt
Until you believed the rumors
Until our “friends” got between us
Until it started to get serious

Reality got cloudy to see
I wanted to find the truth
You wanted to run
And let them win

My emotions got undone
“Used to like you, now I hate you”
The lies and rumors got to your head
Making me the villain for
Things I’ve never said

There was no solution
Our connection was stolen
How come you didn’t believe me
How come you didn’t ask

So accusatory, others destroyed the trust
That you gave up so easily
So when I tried to warn you
I was the culprit for what they made

The more I tried to make it right
The more you hated me
No matter what happens, we’ll always be friends”

A friend would’ve seen the wrong in me
A friend would’ve been there
A friend would’ve talked to me

In my worst moment, in the worst year
I wanted my friend to keep the nightmares at bay
But no one was there, I was alone again

The dream of a forever
Was left broken in the fray
Of their lies

Let’s all suck

It’s not your failures
That keep you from your destiny
It’s the time you spent looking at the ground
Avoiding the scenery in front of you
Missing the stairs in front of you
All those opportunities in front of you
Why won’t you look up?

Baby girl, no success comes on the 1st try
Play, experiment and explore a bit with your life
Regard the sky with open eyes
Make 2024 your golden year

Like a singer said last November
Let’s all suck” this year
Each failure is a step to the finish line
Baby girl,I know you’ll be alright

You’re yellow

30 years passed me by, filled with moments and regrets, and friendships that went cold and died away.
But tell me, why is it that when I look back at the past, the first thing I think of is you? Why is it always the same crew? The photos show our happiness, which was created in a bed of lies, with kids hiding their fears, living in the bubbles of a year they would never get back- when I look back, all I see are the dreams that were broken as the bubbles burst.
I see a girl who was lonely, trying to live by her ideas, and the road was hard, and what she thought was her support went away, following their own dreams. I see a girl whose promises were broken and who decided to never ask for help in those worst moments – but why did no one see how bad it had gotten?
I was your yellow, but you never noticed how your yellow turned grey.
I was lost, and the people I thought were friends were never there to see the lights going out. I was there when you needed me, but you never cared to see if I needed the support back. So present online, but blind to the situations going on around.
That was your problem, wasn’t it? So inside your head that you forgot there’s more to
the world than what you see as your own side, but it’s not like you cared to know mine.
I grew up in these 30 years, but I still feel sorry for that girl. She only needed a hug, someone to not turn its back on her. A friend that didn’t leave her, someone that believed her. I miss that happy, unconscious moment when a friend is always true and would never put a knife in your back.
And while I still remember the moments we had, our seemingly happy crew, I will never forgive what you did to that poor girl.

I’m sorry for the innocence you lost that year, baby girl.